My Stories

Trip [PART 1]

Juni 28, 2016

This holiday I went to Makassar. I went there to meet my mom and my big family in Pare-Pare. Pare-Pare was my mom’s hometown. It took 4 hours trip from Makassar Town. I went to Makassar by plane. It was my first time having a flight alone without family or any friends. I was a little bit nervous in the airport, but everything was all right. My baggage was not overweight. I was relieved.

Yogyakarta to Makassar took 1 hour 30 minutes flight. The plane took off at 6.50 p.m. and arrived at around 9.30 p.m. because of the different time zone. My mom picked me up right after I arrived in the airport. I was very happy because I have never met her for a year!

My uncle and my cousin also picked me up. Ayah Jabir (it means Om Jabir, in there we called our uncle as Ayah) drove his car and Israr (my cousin’s name) followed his father. Then we went to my aunt’s home. I stayed there for 3 days to waited my other cousins arrival in Makassar. On June 17, Reyhan arrived followed by her sisterã…¡Viraã…¡in the next day.

As I stayed in Makassar, we went to many places. In the first day, we (my mom, Reyhan, and I) went to mall (oh I forgot the mall’s name). My mom brought me some new clothes. We went there to waited Israr in dentist. In the evening of that day, we (Ayah Jabir, Bunda Diba, my mom, Reyhan, Israr, and I) had breakfasting in TaWan Restaurant in Trans Studio Mall. It was delicious dinner :9 Kkkk~

After that, we walked for sight-walking. Ayah Jabir bought a new watch. Then, we went Losari Beach. I took pictures in different poses xD (okay just forget this) We also ate Pisang Epe. It was my first time ate banana that full. I was very full-stomach after ate that -_- (okay forget this)

In the next day, we went to Trans Studio Mall again ._.v But it was with Vira too. I went to Gramedia for bought a comic and a novel. Then, we went to game centre, but seriously I was very sleepy in there.

On June 18, we went to Pare-Pare. At 2 p.m., we arrived in my Grandparent’s house. At first, I was a little bit awkward because I have never been there for 4 years. When I went there 4 years ago, I only stayed there for 3 days. So, no wonder if I feel awkward at firs. But, little by little I got closer with my cousins, aunts, grandpa, and my grandma. They were very warm. I started playing games with my cousins, talked with them, and laughed with them.

Like last night. I was sitting in living room and talked about everything with Abrar, Annun, Asha, and Vira (they were my cousin, sounds like Arabic name right?) Then night before last night, I was fangirling hard with Kak Mila (she was my cousin that also and KPOPERS. I was so happy having a cousin who was a KPOPERS like me ><) My cousins were so funny. They were talkactive, especially Abrar, Annun, and Vira. But sometimes they were argued and quarelled.

Also this morning! I was morning walking to the beach with Kak Mila, Vira, and Asha. We went to the beach at 5 a.m. It was very beautiful sea. We walked around the beach and enjoyed the scenery. After had walking around, we sitted on the side of the beach. We were sitting on the stones and saw many little fish. Kkkk~ It was enjoyable moment.

At 8 a.m., we went home and continued our sleep. Seriously, after I reached home, I slept again until 1 p.m.

~ Okay. This is some story from my holiday. It’s only the beginning of long holiday. I’ll write more if I get new experience. ^^ And also, don’t forget to enjoy your holiday! It’s time to spend your days with your family. ~


NB: Sory for my bad grammar -_-V