6 Things To Do in South Sulawesi

Agustus 04, 2017

6 Things To Do in South Sulawesi

(Tanjung Bira Beach, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi)

Hello guys! Have you ever visited South Sulawesi? The province with many historical and exotic destinations, from the city light of Makassar to the traditional cemetery in Tana Toraja. Today, I will give you suggestions about things to do in South Sulawesi ^^

If you visit South Sulawesi:

1. Explore Makassar City to discover Fort Rotterdam and Losari Beach. Both of places are near the sea. Fort Rotterdam is a heritage of Gowa-Tallo Empire. Meanwhile, Losari Beach is a famous beach in Makassar City. In Losari Beach, there is a Floating Mosque. Why is it named like that? Because the mosque is built above the water. After walking around, you must be hungry! So you should taste one of delicious Makassar street foods, that is Pisang Epe’. Pisang Epe’ is made of pounded bananas with variety toppings like caramel, sugar, and syrup. 

2. Observe Bulukumba regency which owns many beautiful beaches. This is very recommended! Your journey is not complete if you don’t go to the beach when you visit South Sulawesi! There are many beautiful beaches in Bulukumba regency with clear blue water, like Marina Beach, Apparalang Beach, Tanjung Bira Beach, and beaches in Selayar Island.These places take around 4 hours trip from Makassar. In Apparalang Beach, you can enjoy the scenery of blue sea and swim if you have courage. (I suggest you not to swim here! It's very dangerous because of the hard waves!) 

I will give you suggestions if you want to swim: book a villa which is near the sea for a night, then wake up early to enjoy sunrise in the morning and swim until you get attacked by jellyfish! (That is my experience xD). Next is Tanjung Bira beach. You can play water games here, like banana boats, diving, or take a boat to Penyu Island. You can also sail to Selayar Island to see more beautiful beaches. But it needs 4 hours sailing from Bira Harbour. You must visit those places! And for souvenir, I suggest you to buy Akar Bahar bracelet.

(Apparalang Beach, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi)

3. If you prefer waterfall, you don’t have to worry that there is no waterfall in South Sulawesi. You must visit Bantimurung Waterfall to enjoy freeze water! Bantimurung Waterfall is near Makassar City. It only takes a hour to get there from the city. After playing with water, don’t forget to buy souvenirs! You can buy butterfly key chain, or many others insects souvenirs! It’s very unique to remind your memorable holiday in South Sulawesi.

4. Travel around Tana Toraja regency! Not only waterfall and beaches, South Sulawesi also has plateau. This is recommended for you who love to hike. You can go to a place called “Country Above the Clouds”. This place is a plateau that let you feel clouds beneath you feet. I suggest you to come here in the early morning to see beautiful sunrise. After that, you must visit Londa cemetery to see Toraja’s ancient culture to buried their ancestor’s mummy inside a hill. 

If you luck, you can visit the traditional ceremony of Toraja people. Be careful of pigs and Tedong (Sulawesi’s buffalo which has big torn in the head)! If you are a moslem, you should picky about the foods you want to eat, because it's hard to find halal food here. It takes 7-8 hours trip to Tana Toraja from Makassar.

(Traditional Ceremony of Toraja People)

(The view from "Country Above The Clouds")

5. Spare time to go to Pare-Pare city to enjoy the calmness. Yes, the city is serene and always has hot weather. In Pare-Pare, you can visit Habibie-Ainun monument which is very iconic because Pare-Pare is B.J. Habibie’s hometown. You can also go shopping in Pasar Senggol. There are many import products here with cheap price!

6. For kinds of food from South Sulawesi, you should eat Cotto Makassar. This food is very different from soto in Java, because the seasonings has stronger taste. Eat Cotto Makassar with burasa! Burasa is what lontong or ketupat called in Sulawesi, but it has rectangle shape. You can also try Pallu Basa. Pallu Basa is meat soup with rich seasonings and grated coconut. Don’t eat those foods if you have high colesterol! For dessert, try Pallu Butung. Pallu Butung is wrapped banana with green sticky rice that is usually served with Pandan syrup. It’s very delicious!

Well, that’s only a little about what you can do in South Sulawesi. There are still many destinations and many cultures to be explored! Don’t forget to consider South Sulawesi as your next holiday destination! Believe me, you won’t regret spending holiday in South Sulawesi! ^^

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