Puff, the Magic Dragon

Desember 14, 2017

Hello~ It's been a while since I don't post anything on my blog ^^ So, I will post my story. 

Today, I joined story telling competition at my school. Actually, it's not a big event. It's just internal competition after final exam. 

The event allowed participants to write their own story. But, the genre must be Fantasy. So, I wrote this story to participate the event. This story is inspired by a child song that Kyuhyun sang in Super Show 2 xD Kkkk~ 

I hope the story might inspire you... or you can take the story for your story telling ^^ Hehehe...

Puff, the Magic Dragon

Autumn Forest

Once upon a time, lived a boy in the middle of forest, in a land called Honnah Lee. The boy’s name was Jackie Paper. He lived with his brother who always busy working. Their parents had gone away.

The lonely Jackie wanted a friend and good toys. However, his brother always ignored Jackie because he had to work hard to continue their life. Jackie was sad. He prayed to God to give him a friend and good toys.

One night, Jackie woke up from his tight sleep. He walked to the window because he saw something strange in the forest. The autumn mist had fallen down and covered the forest.

Jackie was surprised when he saw a silhoutte of big creature in the mist. The big creature had a pair of huge wings and its skin looked scally.

“W-what is that?” stuttered Jackie.

Secretly, Jackie went out home and walked to the dark forest.  

Evidently, the big creature was a dragon! Even though the dragon looked scary, Jackie was not afraid at all.  He looked at the dragon and asked innocently, “Who are you?”

The dragon turned his head to the right and left, looked for who was talking to him.

“I am below here!” shouted Jackie.

“Oh! There you are! My name is Puff, the magic dragon!” replied Puff friendly.

“Why are you here? Are you getting lost, Puff?” asked Jackie.

“No, I am not, Jackie! I am here to give you a gift!” answered Puff. Then he gave Jackie a silver box. Jackie opened the box and found out his dream toys that he always wished for.

Jackie’s eyes sparkled in the dark because he was so happy. “Thank you, Puff!” laughed Jackie Paper.

“Your welcome!”

Then, Jackie stared at Puff. “How do you know my name is Jackie?”

“Because I can hear your voice from the sea,” said Puff.

“Awesome!” praised Jackie.

“Hohoho…” Puff laughed because he was glad to be praised. “It’s your time to go back home. Your brother is looking for you now! Don’t make your brother worry!”

Jackie became sad again. He didn’t want to leave his new friend.

“Don’t be sad, Jackie. Tomorrow, I’ll be back here,” stated Puff encourage Jackie.

Then, the boy ran home with joyful feelings. He couldn’t wait tomorrow and play with Puff, the magic dragon.

On the next day, Jackie went to the forest after his brother went to work. He called Puff and without a long time, Puff came along. In the afternoon, Jackie could see Puff had green scale and gigantic tail.

Puff invited Jackie to the town. When they came, the Noble Kings and Princes bowed down to Puff because Puff was a kind and nice dragon. He was loved by people.

Next day, Puff came back and invited Jackie to the sea. Jackie was amazed by the wide sparkling blue water. Above the sky, Jackie saw pirate ships sailing in the sea.

After they travelled to many places, they sat down on a hill. Puff told Jackie that he was so lonely because his family threw him away.

“Why does your family treat you bad, Puff?” asked Jackie.

“Because of my strange power to give kids a present,” answered Puff sadly.

Jackie sighed. “It’s alright, Puff. I promise to be your friend forever.” The little boy patted Puff’s tummy to encourage the dragon.

The days passed. Everyday, Puff and Jackie spent their time together. They frolicked in the autumn forest. Sometimes they travelled the world.

Time tickled the clock. Years by years had passed. Puff was a long-life dragon, meanwhile Jackie was not everlasting human. Someday, Jackie didn’t came anymore.

“Jackie, where are you?” cried out Puff in the middle autumn mist. Still, Puff believed Jackie would come back to him someday.

One night, Jackie’s brother came to meet Puff with teary eyes. “Jackie has passed away because of his sickness,” spoke him.

Puff could not believe what he heard. Jackie had made promise to be his friend forever! How could Jackie left him alone?

“Jackie will not play along with you anymore. So please, go away,” said Jackie’s brother.

With a heavy step and gloomy feeling, Puff left the autumn forest, the place when he spent the old days with Jackie.

His head was bent down in sorrow. His green scales fell like rain. Puff no longer wanted to give presents to kids. Without his long-life friend, Puff could not be brave.

In the end, Puff slipped into his cave for the rest of his life. Silently, he cried and always missed his little friend.


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