
Mei 21, 2018

Hello! How are you? I hope you fine right now.

I don’t know why... but I don’t feel so good recently. I feel kinda unmotivated. My head is so mess. I want to cry but I don’t heave reason. I just want to lay my body on the bed all day. Scrolling my timelines, watching youtube, reading manga… absolutely doing nothing.

On the other hand, I want to live. I want to be productive. I really want to be productive like those people who do studyblr. I want to wake up! I need to get up! I want to make something awesome so I can show myself to the world confidently. 

But, why is it so hard? I feel like stuck in the middle of something.

Time flies so fast. Oh my God! It’s already May and then June… and without I realize… it’ll be December.

I only have a little time. I said it to myself everyday. “I don’t want to waste my youth doing nothing!”

But… why is there cloud in my head? Cloud in my head. Rain in my heart. Storm in my soul.

Get me out here! 

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