Note For Myself

Maret 17, 2021

As you can see, I haven't edited my blog for such a long time. I think I have to remove the popular post widget because it's kinda cringe to see my ancient post being there. So, I just want to update my lay out blog but I still haven't got any ideas about the design because currently there are too many things in my head. 

Yes, I have always too many ideas when I am busy. 

Oh anyway, I also never edited my About Me page and I'm still written as high schooler there (lmao). After years, I just realize I never re-write my profile page. 

That's another note for me. This is the list I have to edit:

  1. My lay out blog (maybe I will also change the theme)
  2. My "About Me" page

FYI, right now I am a senior year college student and currently writing my thesis. While writing my thesis, I also get many ideas to write fic... Perhaps my brain is so active so that it produces many ideas. 

So, yeah. I think that's all I want to say here. Enjoy reading my blog! 

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